Friday, September 3, 2010

Three new Scottish Champions from Dundee Wildcats

Miss Kane and I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to all our students who competed at the Scottish Championships held on Sunday 29th September.

Those who competed were a great advert for Dundee Wildcats and we now have 3 new Scottish Champions at different levels and in diverse Taekwon Do disciplines.

Fifteen year old Reece Hershaw astounded his parents by winning all 3 Gold Medals in his Division. These are Gold Patterns, Gold Sparring, Gold Special Techniques. He then went on to enter the adult section and scored Bronze for Sparring.

Eleven year old Nicole Dowdles, ( my Grandaughter), won Gold for Sparring, Gold in the 5 student team event and Silver for Patterns.

Twenty One year old Blair Watson won Gold for Patterns in his Division.

Anna and Daniel Robertson and Campbell Stevenson all participated in the Peewee and Rainbow categories respectively and gained participation Medals for their sterling efforts.

Roll on the 8th GTF World Championships to be held in the DISC, Dundee, 7th to 10th July 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Well done to everyone who won medals a great credit to you and Unity. A lot of hard work by all your pupils. It's nice to be able to give praise to young people nowadays when you often hear nothing but criticism for them. Well done.

    Kane's Gran
